السبت، 29 مايو 2010

Use of ICT Tools to hrlp the Visually Impaired

?What is a RAINBOW

RAINBOW is a charity created in 2009 .It is supports Visually Imparied by using ICT tools to help them communication with outside word because of what the world is to develop technical modern equipment .Befor you start working with us as a volunteer you shouls know the tools.
Visually imparied id the person who lost his sight and can't see properly.Some indevisual are only sightly affected , while others are totally blind and can't distinguish light from dark.

The tools are :
1) Screen Magnifivation :
It is a software run directly with operating system to access information on computer screen .It is let the information to appear in big size tl let VI read in comfortable easy way.
2) Overlat Keyboard :
It is shown as rectangle plastic , metalbox or flat surface contain 128 to 4096 of touch sensetive keys.Used to print a letter to the computer and move the mouse.
3)Screen Readers :
It is also a software directly run with operating system .Used to reads aloud the things shown in the screen such as :text and menues.

4) VTS :
Stand by Virtual Touch System.It is a mouse rolls the cursor over the screen with three parallel touch pads .
5) Braille Embossers :

It is a printer renders text as Braille and need special translation software.So the Visually Imparied will get papers with dots to read them.

Thank You